rebuilding rome: the preparation

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As I'm writing this, I'm beginning to prepare my heart, mind, and body for what is about to come. 

I got so (obsessively)focused on going to the gym six days a week, the food I was putting in my body, the amount of water I drank each day, and the number of hours of sleep I got each night that I lost sight of the true goal. 
Being healthy. 

This journey is going to look a lot different than the last. I'm older. I've had a child and lost one. I'm happily married and he doesn't mind a few extra lumps and bumps. I'm wiser. I recognize more of what's important, and the power of media. I love my body this time, instead of hate it. I want it to be healthy and well functioning. I want it to be rested and loved well. 

This journey, I want to listen to my body, and what my body needs. Something has clicked this time too, but its rooted in self-love, not self-consciousness. 

I'm giving you the opportunity to read along with me as we go. This is going to be the raw, real truth. I will show you the good things, the discouraging parts, and the really ugly moments. In those updates I'll share things that worked, things that didn't, how many pounds and inches I lost from the previous week, if I exercised, the way I felt, and everything in between. I am also promising to share a weekly progress picture. 

My body seems to feel its best around the 135-145 pounds mark in a size 7 or 9 jean. But, I'm going to tell you upfront that I don't put nearly as  much emphasis on weight as I do inches. I want to be strong, so the number on the scale may be heavier than I envision when I feel good. I don't want to cut too much weight just to meet some number in my head that I "should" weigh. 

To get into that weight range, I need to lose nearly 40 pounds. 

My plan is to do 30 minutes of intentional exercise at least 5 days a week, with an emphasis on strength. I will also dedicate one day to stretching. 

I'm also going to do Intermittent Fasting. If you're interested in more info, you should read the book Fast. Feast. Repeat. by Gin Stephens. 

I listened to it via audiobook and it was very helpful. I'll dedicate a different bonus entry to explaining IF and why I decided to go this route. When I am eating, I am going to follow the method of moderation. Anything goes, but in moderation. We will have an emphasis of healthy eating, but I am not willing to totally change my diet or my lifestyle. I've got too many other things to  do. #SAHMlife #WFHMlife

I'm working hard to make this a lifestyle change and not a "diet" that will fizzle out. I'm taking the focus to loving my body, and everything it's done for me, and all it's capable of. Then, I'm going to love it better by feeding it the fuel it desires and making it strong. 

I've taken my measurements and I'm ready for the week ahead. 

Here we go!