I’m a thirty-something, only child raised in Indianapolis. I moved a few hours away from my mom and dad’s, to a much smaller city to go to college to become a high school teacher. I fell in love with the place and don’t ever plan to leave. I met my husband in a bar, playing trivia and singing karaoke. I taught high school religion (now don’t make any assumptions about me just yet) for years before transitioning into corporate America. I stayed two years there until I realized cubicle life wasn’t for me – plus we had a baby on the way. Once our daughter came, I knew I couldn’t go back to work, so I looked for other options.
I think I caught you up.
I’m currently a stay-at-home/work-from-home mom who does some teaching online. My husband is a welder & pipefitter.
I love cake, and cake batter ice cream. Summer is my favorite and I’m usually rocking the ‘mom bun’. I’m a football fanatic and I play fantasy football with my husband and his buddies (I’m the reigning champion #notsohumblebrag). I love Jesus, but I fail daily. I’m a morning person. We have a boxer dog, Whiskey, who keeps me young and a cat, Bandit, who’s skinny as a rail (read:fatter than a hog). Speaking of hogs, I love going to the fair. Pigs are my favorite animal. I’m often barefoot – shoes are suffocating. I don’t exercise nearly as much as I should; I’m working on being nicer to myself when it comes to my body and body image (read ‘rebuilding rome’ to follow this journey). I’m an open book – I’m not afraid to tell you how I see it, but I try no to be rude. I’m an introvert to the core, but I can socialize with the best of them when I need to. I believe family isn’t just made up of blood. Currently, Mega Stuf Oreos are my weakness so I can’t keep them in the house or I’ll eat the whole package in a day. I’ve gone to counseling on and off since I was 13. I’m a big believer in it; it’s saved my life multiple times. I hate bugs and snakes and fish and anything slimy – I’m super girly that way. I listen to country music most of the time, but I’m a fan of Andy Grammer-esque stuff too. I swear too much. I have a temper. I served tables for a while; I loved it. I try my hardest to be kind and I get pissed when I see someone being unkind – the world is hard enough without your meanness. I’ve done some traveling, but not as much as I’d like. I’m obsessed with my husband; he’s legit my bestie. Fresh flowers in the house make me happy. I don’t mind cooking, but I’d rather clean toilets than do dishes. My toddler teaches me lessons about life daily. I love to write. I think it started when I was younger and in counseling. There’s something so cathartic about getting your thoughts and words down on paper. I think the English language is fascinating #nerdalert. I’ve been told a number of times that I have a gift with words and that I should share them with the world.
Enter you. Here you’ll read about my beautiful, messy life.
life is beautiful messy exciting challenging sad fulfilling important hard what you make it
the best baby wipes for the price
These Columbia women’s hiking boots are warm, comfortable, and do a great job keeping your feet dry!
headaches from looking at a screen too long? you need these.