rebuilding rome: week 1 – 1.30.2021

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Inches lost: (somewhere life happened and i didn't do measurements or take pictures. i'll do better!) Weight lost: -.6 lbs

I’ve completed week one. Whew.

I’m tired. And my body is sore. My triceps are so sore. Holy moly. 

I did Beachbody’s t25 (the Alpha round) for three days. Remi, Whiskey and I went for walks when it was nice out. 

I’ve also started Intermittent Fasting. In case you haven’t ever heard of Intermittent Fasting, I’ll give you the quick and dirty version. 

The way I understand it is this… Insulin is the gatekeeper for the fat storage in your cells. If you have too much insulin, then your body won’t use the fat stores. Makes perfect sense to me. So, I need to keep my insulin down more often through the day in order for my body to use the excess fat storage. Well, if insulin happens every time we eat, that means I should have longer periods of not eating. 

I’m no scientist, or biologist, (wait… what is the right profession…) but that all makes perfect sense. If it’s something you’re interested in, definitely read (or listen to the audiobook like I did) of Fast. Feast. Repeat. by Gin Stephens. The author says many times throughout the course of the book about getting to know YOUR body and what feels BEST for YOU. 

I’m on that train. 

I’m currently following a 17:7 fast. That means that I fast for 17/24 hours. The other seven, I am free to eat when I want. 

This last week, I put a real emphasis on drinking more water. During my seven hour eating window, I focused on moderation. I tried to choose healthier options, but I did have a piece of chocolate every day because chocolate is good and life is too short. 

But, this journey is more than physical health. I also took a lot of time in prayer this past week. I’m currently doing a couple of bible studies and made sure to prioritize them in my day. 
I’m working hard on listening to my body and what it needs – including the emotional needs. I started journaling again and my husband and I went on a day date on Friday to reconnect and spend time together. 

Overall the week was a win, although my body hurts and I’m exhausted. 

Week one down… forever to go.