rebuilding rome: week 3 – 2.13.2021

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Inches lost: -3.25 inches Weight lost: -2.8lbs

The hardness from last week carried over to this one.

Although we got some good news (the MRI was normal!), we’re still on the hunt to find out where my symptoms are coming from and what we need to change to manage them better. 

I’m standing in a place where I am so grateful that everything came out normal, but I’m still very frustrated with how I feel generally each day. 

While I continue to pursue medical help, I am also going to continue to chase wellness on my own. 

I was active last week, but I didn’t do any specific “exercising”. I did continue to do intermittent fasting. I am still staying at 17 hours fasting, 7 hour eating window. I’m hoping to extend my fasting to 19 hours, but I’m not going to do it at the risk of feeling like poop. 

I started taking an array of vitamins hoping that maybe just simple deficiency could be causing some of the things I’m experienced. 

This last week I also continued to focus a lot on my mental health. I kept up with my devotions, continued to journal,  and spent intentional 1-on-1 time with my husband.

I implemented a morning and nightly routine – to bookend the days on a good note. 

I feel good about this week. Three weeks down and forever to go.